I will start by saying I love my phones. Everyday when I wake up, after reaching for my bible, I check to make sure my phones are by my side. Why do I do this? I hardly tweet (I send out a tweet once in 6 months, maybe), I don't do a lot of Facebook unless its to check for funny pictures that would brighten my day. I do Whatsapp to communicate with people who aren't on my BB contact list, like my older sister, my aunts etc. Chatting with my sister is a waste of time. I sent her a Whatsapp message in December and she replied last week. Lol. I like Instagram because it gives me a glimpse into the lives of the people I know, in terms of pictures, that is. So why do I love my phones? Because I know that knowledge is at my fingertips. The benefits of social media cannot be overemphasized. The major advantage is that it is Fast. You get your message across quicker, you make friends instantly, you hear about a wedding to a classmate you otherwise wouldn't have heard of because the last time you saw said classmate, it was 15 years ago. So you quickly send off a quick congratulatory message. You send birthday messages to old friends which without Fb, you wouldn't even remember their last names. Thank God for social platforms.
I used to be a chronic BB user and couldn't wait to chat away and ping some of my best 'buddies' until I realised one thing: it was all superficial. I used to have 232 contacts on my list, chatted periodically with a random 20 and had 3 or 4 very close friends I chatted with everyday. So why did I need 232 people on my phone again? Some people actually forget who I am until I change my DP to a picture of myself. That is when the pings start rushing in. Your real friend will not wait until you change your DP or update your PM, before saying hello. Your real friends will not rely on FB to remind them of your birthday. They reminded you of the birthday weeks in advance. Your real friends are not being told of your wedding on FB. They are the ones helping you plan the wedding. Your real friends don't need ur DP to see the picture of your new baby/car/house...you showed them a personal picture.
I have a job coming up and lost my client's number along the way, for reasons beyond my control. I had to resort to using my PM to ask for it. Nobody had it. Everyone suggested I ping her but her phone was bad. I went to Facebook, sent numerous mails and I got no reply. Wouldn't it be simpler if I just had her number and rang her instead? Lae pointed out that BB's have made people stop making regular phone calls and I agree because last week I decided to call a good friend of mine and it turned out she was rather curious as to why I had called instead of just 'pinging'. Hmmm.
How many of your social media contacts have you go their numbers? For me, I think like 10. I'm also guilty of this crime too. As I mature, everyday, I realise that I've reduced the amount of time I've spent on social platforms. My typical week on these platforms is spent doing the following:
1. Check Linda Ikeji every hour because if anybody woke up from a 20 year long coma, a quick visit to LIB would keep you abreast of affairs while you were gone.
2. Facebook, to check Everyday Jokes. The jokes are hilarious. Oh, and to also post one of my random quotes and say a quick hello or like a picture.
3. Google. I'm not sure I can survive without Google. Where else can I check my spellings? Or hunt for the recipe of lasagne? Or research how I can write a good thesis? Or how best a rock my skinny jeans? Or which song was recently released by my favourite female artist?( if you know me well, you will know who she is).
4. Bellanaija. Fine, mature, 'non-gossipy' articles. No cyber-bullying too. So it is a plus.
5. A random selection of blogs. Majority are fashion and/or lifestyle inspired.
6. Instagram.
6. Last but not the least is BBM. Lae and I though, thousands of miles apart, send pics, links, 'stuff' back and forth. and when our Phones decide to dislike each other and refuse to send something, we resort to email. She is among the tiny group of friends that I actually look forward to receiving a link/ping/picture/message from.
Do people even realise that one can download free books with their phones, off the internet? I discovered Okada Books and I'm in book heaven now. OK, enough of the free publicity.
What about people who use social media as a primary platform to look of romantic relationships? That is a story is for another day.
My advice to people is to stop living their lives on these platforms. Some people want everyone to see so that their egos are fed constantly. That's not cool. Learn not to post every single thing of your life on them. Not every one wants to know about a recent break up, or mental breakdown you had. Not every one wants to know that your Boo is the best. Keep it private and keep some of the magic to yourself. While uploading your pictures, keep it classy. 10, 15 years from now, would you be proud of some of the things you had uploaded for the whole world to see? Maybe I should just write an article on Social Media Etiquette? Will do.
Love, Peace and a productive week ahead.