Tuesday, 18 February 2014

On Relationships

So Valentine's Day has come and gone. Mine was almost non-existent despite my big plans for the day (I'm still hurting about it, but will blog when I feel better :). So I decided to visit blogs over the weekend to read good love stories (whether it was love between partners, friends or love shown to the sick or needy) and be happy, but boy i was disappointed, the picture above sums it up (a man who is nonchalant about his lady's feelings). I read mostly sad stories of women frustrated in their relationships, the men could not even pretend for one day out of 365 days in a year (that is bad) to show them love.

It is not surprising to know that women are the losers in most relationships. They do all the work to make their relationships work and the 'alpha' male does nothing and some are mean enough to cheat on, and even physically abuse the women in their lives. This phenomenon is so bad that people now consider it normal that men cheat in their relationships, while the woman patiently prays for things to get better. When issues of unfaithfulness is featured on any media, you hear/read people saying things like, "men are polygamous in nature" (spare me please, who says women can't be polygamous too?), "that is so sad, madam just pray God will see you through" (prayer isn't bad but is that why she is in that relationship?). Then when cases of physical abuses are featured, more comments like "please don't get him angry again, just apologise so there will be peace" (oh really? Why can't the men work towards peace?), "I'm sure he hit her because she was running her mouth" (does that justify physical abuse?) The worst of comments come from women because women are usually their own worst enemies (that will be topic for another day).

It breaks my heart to see ladies/women suffering in their relationships/marriages. I do not know how to say it, but a man in a relationship should strive as much as the woman to make it work. Do not assume it's her duty alone and please do not always quote Ephesians 5:22. Any Christian who reads from verse 21-25 will know that men have more responsibilities towards their wives (for married people), because while the wife is expected to be submissive to her husband, the husband is supposed to love his wife as Christ loved his Church and gave his life for it (now how many men can die for their wives?). It is obvious that people do not even work on their relationships again, they are ready to quit once there's an issue. Our parents did not have social media or access to romantic movies, but they worked to make their marriages work and most of them are still waxing strong 20 and more years after walking down the aisle. How did things get this bad? I clearly do not have answers and wish to get some.

However, every woman should try to get a source of income; learn a trade, acquire some skills, get a job. Whatever it is, endeavour to empower yourself, that way you will have more confidence and self esteem, so that when a man thinks your life depends on him, you can tell him otherwise. Men on the other hand should try to build better relationships, you cannot force a woman to submit, but when the love is right, her heart is captured and she will submit more than you can ever imagine.

It will really be awesome to have happy relationships from our youth to when we are old. Imagine how wonderful and beautiful life will be if we have people who are ready to make their relationships work. Lives will be longer, homes will be functional and children will be responsible. Let us all give it a try because we all need each other, especially when we are old.

Picture credits: Google
One Love,


  1. Nicely put, in relationships where both parties contribute equally to build and cherish what they have, happiness becomes the end product. This is undeniable.

  2. Nice article!nice write up!but Don't u think women cheat more?to me women cheats!!!sometimes even more!

  3. Wow! This is lovely. Yea Valentine has come & gone and you knw what? Twas the best I've ever had.
    Talking about relationships, there are so many reasons why men or so called boys of this century disrespect ladies. I can't imagine a girl/lady flaunting herself on a man as if he's her last hope on planet earth. She's losing it all, her dignity/respect will not be given to her. Our girls should learn hold themselves, in that way no man born of a woman WILL disrespect them.

  4. That's right everything u said is actually true,to me both men and women shouLd be submisive nd love eachoda not just dt d bible says and two shall become one it wasntalkin about pride,self,cheating,lieing,bartring e•T•c but it was sayin dat diff pple would work out their differerences which will result to love•read,learn and act•

  5. Wow! This is a nice article. My valentine this year was da best, twas boy-free day I really enjoyed it.
    Come to talk about relationships, why will a boy hit a girl that he calls his girlfriend? Is that boy insane? Well in my own case, I call that "see finish". Guys don't respect ladies because they see some of them as cheap product.(If I hear say na girls cheat pass in relationship).
    Secondly, I see no reason why a girl should be flaunting herself around a boy. Boys are truly moved by what they see & after seeing it, they throw u off. Ladies should get hold of themselves and look for something dat will fetch them good money in dat way, their dignity will be respected no man born of a woman will ever raise his hand on her.

    1. Exactly. And as parents and members of the society, we should teach the men that hitting a woman is wrong. A child mimics his parents and surroundings. If partners do not respect their spouses, how will their offspring turn out?

  6. You know what? A life coach advised folks to teach their sons how to be good men in relationships. Females spend every waking moment from childhood to adulthood learning and preparing for relationship and marriage roles. Why can't the males do that? Half the relationship problems will be solved thus...
