Saturday, 18 April 2015

Love and relationships

I think dating is a bit daunting. The following below are just my random, meandering thoughts:
1. Is it just me or don't you think that the quality of men nowadays is on the decline? Or women just got more intelligent, hence changed priorities. I really think the more exposed and educated a woman is, the bar is set higher in terms of expectations from these men.
I recently shared a munched chat between a guy and myself. He couldn't spell, couldn't form a simple correct sentence and for me that is a big no. Someone else could perhaps let it slide after all, English language isn't my mother tongue but Igbo. But I am the kind of girl that loves wit and  intelligent banter, who would argue and concede defeat if my theories were blown away by reasonable logic.

2. How do you know you are dating now? Is there a big sound that announces that dating has begun? Or do people just slide into relationships? From taking him or her to dinner to buying romantic Valentine do you know you are dating? How do relationships start? Do guys still ask a girl out or is it simply assumed after some movie time at Silver bird with meals at KFC, that this has to be a relationship? With the age of social media, and hook ups, it is easy to assume that once both parties have a form of understanding, they are in a relationship. What is the date upon which anniversaries are based? The day she agreed to be your girl or the first time you went on a date together?

3. Sex is overrated. Why do people jump into bed so quickly? Why can't both parties wait and enjoy the friendship, see where it goes before canoodling? I prefer to think this way. What if at the start of a new relationships, God made our privates vanish for like some months, what then? I'm sure we'd make out time to really know each other.

4. OK, now you are in the relationship. Now what? What does actual dating entail? In naija, there are few things to do that doesn't involve food. A typical date is at any of the popular eateries: Mr Bigg's, SFC, KFC, etc or a movie at the cinema. You can't possibly to to the Galleria every day. And if the relationship is still a newbie and you don't want to risk  sexual temptation by going to his/her house, what then? And if she/he still lives with family...where on earth do you go just to steer the relationship forward? Maybe we aren't creative enough to seek out other ingenious avenues and ideas of going on a date here in Nigeria. If you do, please share.

Funny, I asked one of my married friends what she does on a daily basis in her married life, that is before the children came.  I really wanted to know. And still do. I ask you now: what do you do in your relationships?

"Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That's why it's a comfort to go hand in hand,"
         Emily Kimbrough


1 comment:

  1. I know we are dating when she becomes concerned about my life nd my personal developments....we start as friends. and we go out to places together...weekends, probably. When I start to care...she just knows. we start to do stuff together
