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"Marriages used to work well in the days when women were teachers". Those were the words of a friend's brother when we were discussing the high rate of divorces. He is a legal practitioner, so I believe he has seen more divorces in recent times, but I
disagree that women are responsible for them. But just like most, if not everything in the society, women have to be blamed for divorces and failed marriages as well.
disagree that women are responsible for them. But just like most, if not everything in the society, women have to be blamed for divorces and failed marriages as well.
Women are 'to blame' because they now have great paying jobs and the money has gone to their heads. They have lost their maternal sides and have become very competitive with the men. They are no longer willing and ready to endure like our mothers, grandmothers and those before them did. Women 'think' they are equal with the male folk and will not submit to them like the Bible advised (as if that is the only advice in the Holy Book). These are some of the arguments people make to support the fallacious fact that, women are indeed the cause of failed marriages. My friend also pointed out that rich women were quick to ask for divorce unlike those who didn't have any money.
In my usual manner, I pondered on it this issue, I really wanted to know if women were the reason for more divorces. If I remember correctly, women are the ones who will do anything to be in a relationship, get married, and stay married. How can they want all that and still be the reason for failed marriages? No doubt, more women are earning well in their jobs and businesses and this financial independence comes with some sort of power. This power does not equal disrespect, but it gives women a voice. In a world that has become so fast paced, any woman who does not earn some kind of money is doing herself great injustice (trust me on this). It gives them the courage to say no to certain things they would have tolerated if they had no money, and most importantly, women take part in running the home with their income. So, how can something this helpful, be so bad. There are some women who might have become disrespectful, but that is not enough to blame women for failed marriages.
Marriages fail because people assume it is a walk in the park. It needs work, work and more work. Respect is an essential ingredient in marriage, so also is compromise. Two people with different upbringing need those to cohabit in peace. Love is the greatest of all, and if done right, there will be no divorces. Lack of love, respect and compromise are the reasons for failed marriages, and not the amount of money a woman/wife makes.
Let me know what you think dear readers.
i think women are less tolerant nowadays. and maybe they have discovered that marriage isnt the be-all of life. dunno.