Sunday 19 January 2014

Domestic Violence (Part 1)

Domestic Violence is one topic that irks me, but I cannot pretend it doesn't exist. It's quite rampant now, everybody is complaining especially the women. I've always been silent about domestic violence because it seemed far-fetched. I only read about them and had never seen or known anyone who was a victim until yesterday.

She is a family friend and a very respectable lady. Her marriage was barely two years old, they are blessed with a son and she has a good job. Then somewhere out of the blues I heard her marriage was over and that she had moved out of her matrimonial home. Why I asked, and I was told her husband panel beats her almost on a daily basis. I was shocked, my mind travelled far and wide looking for answers. Answers to what exactly?

I thought about it all night and found no answers. There are many types of abuse; emotional, physical, verbal, economical, mental, sexual etc but I see no reasons for them. Women are not the only victims, men and children are victims as well, but at what point do relationships go bad? At what point do things get so bad and people feel it's okay to victimize people they are supposed to love and maybe protect? Instead of hurting them, why not let them go? There must be people somewhere who will love and appreciate them.

Abuse in any form is evil. It strips the victim of every self worth, some even die from abuse. Is it so hard to love? Why can't we treat others the way we want others to treat us? Is that really too much to ask for in life? Let us all try to practice love, because God is love.

One Love,


  1. I think, when some relationships reach a certain point or stage, one of the partners begins to lose interest in the other and normally the affected one is supposed to find ways of 'saving' the relationship then if it fails, then just walk away. The thing is that, some women (cause women are always at the receiving end) prefer to have faith that everything will work out right. In some cases, the woman even prefers to stay rather than bear the societal disgrace of being labelled a divorcee.
    In the case of children(*sighs), I just don't understand why an adult will derive pleasure in venting his/her frustration on a little one. I guess it just has to be psychological issues made worse by our country not having strict Laws against such sickos.

  2. Love is beautiful if u find the rght one.

  3. I feel the individuals who mete out physical assaults to people below them have psychological issues. This is even made worse because we have laws which do not 'bite' against such situations.

  4. Love is the only way to curb domestic violence especially from married men to their wives.

  5. I had started writing a comment and realised it was already turning into an article.

  6. you know some times people only acknowledge physical abuse. I suffered emotional abuse for the longest time. It came from my teacher in school. I was belittled, called unprintable names including ugly. He made me fill like i was nothing. It was bad. I didnt let it affect me too much but...Oh let me do a blog post about it girl. Th whole story. And can you imagine that man tried to add me on facebook and sent me a message that he always knew i would be great? Imagine! Why? because i am in America? I rejected his friend request and begged the Lord to forgive me... An kind of abuse is NOT it.
