Saturday 4 January 2014

Listening to Time Of Our Lives by Ebisan ft Chidyma

Hello people, its Saturday, my best day of the week when I can lie in bed and plan my day. Today, immediately after my prayers, I reached for my Ipod and while I write out my errands for the day, I am listening to my favourite wake up song. My sister sent it to me a couple of years ago and just when I wanna feel blue or tired, I play this song, on REPLAY. It is like a rush in my veins. Filled with hope, positivity and love. Lemme share my favourite lines: 
...they don't understand our love
they say we're not good enough
but our hearts are open, so full of hope and we'll never give up
we will not put up a fight, they can say whatever they like
we'll tell them we're happy 
we'll tell them we're living
we'll tell them we are...we're having the time of our lives....

So, that is it. What is your own favourite Saturday morning song? Have a productive day. XOXO.



  1. 'Rene I cannot find this song. Nice lyrics tho. Maybe you attach it somehow to this post.

  2. Mine would be I Hope You Dance by Lee Ann Womack or Read All About It by Emeli Sande.... Powerful lyrics right there..
