Sunday 5 January 2014

Lil' Mercies

Thank you for giving me the morning.
Thank you for ev’ry day that’s new.
Thank you that I can know my worries can be cast on you.

(Click the link above to get the full song)

I woke up yesterday morning singing the song above. The same thing happened this morning and I knew there was a purpose for it and that got me thinking. That song is in appreciation to God for whatever we encounter in life, because if handled rightly, there is a 'positive' purpose for all of them. How many times do we thank God for the things he has done in our lives? How many times have we expressed gratitude to people who have helped us in one way or the other, without thinking we deserve it or that they owe us the favour?

We expect big miracles daily, but isn't the life we live miracle enough? Are miracles only when the lame walk, or when the blind see? Why have we refused to be thankful for those things we term 'little mercies'? It is only people who appreciate the 'lil mercies' realise when the 'big miracles' happen to them or come their way.

The year is still new and fresh. Let us make gratitude a way of life, because it benefits both the giver and the receiver (it brings joy and happiness). Let us quit being Oliver Twist who "wants some more", and acknowledge that everyday is a blessing, and that no matter what situations we find ourselves in, we are better than some people some where in the world, and these people would give anything to be in our shoes.

Let us also endeavour to help people who we feel we are better than (because we all are better than someone/people). Helping them will go a long way in making our world and society better (that is one of the aims of this blog). Let us be grateful for all we have, and quit whining and complaining about things we do not have (after all we have life).

Wishing us all a wonderful week filled with love and a spirit of gratitude.

One Love,


  1. Some one might think its impossible to feel gratitude in the harsh, hard world we live in. I mean, you are about to start your car and the engine dies on you or you lost your wallet...sure going to be hard to feel gratitude, right? Take baby steps. Everyday, find something to be grateful for. Open your eyes and you will see. The more you find, the more you will see

    1. i ve had a rough time this past week and in it i still said Thank you. Thank you because i know it could be worse but it isnt. Thanks for the inspiration. :)

  2. I agre in toto! I once told someone I was grateful to God for giving me a job I could complain about since there were people I knew who dserved that spot I occupy in that office but did not get it...
