Wednesday 1 January 2014

New Beginnings...

Hello people. Once again, it's cheers to the brand spanking new year. While some of us will be toasting, throwing confetti in the air, what flashed through my mind while the time struck 12 am yesterday was that I have a brand new chance to make some much needed changes in  my life. Many people don't believe in New Year resolutions but me, I'm a die-hard 'resolutioner' though I'm not the sort that would pick unrealistic targets like promise to call everyone in my phone book once a month.  

Its so empowering to know I am making a conscious positive effort to do something right. So, after the excitement of festivities, the shopping, the gifts, the sparkle and cheer, the inevitable weight gain...what will you resolve to do in 2014? On d cusp of 2012, I vowed that I would take better care of myself in 2013, that I would open my arms and mind to new opportunities and new people. I did. I lost weight, started eating right and started exercising actively. I turned a year older in September. And for the age I became, I bought myself the number of gifts. I took on charitable causes and shifted some people out of my life because the load was heavy. I learned to forgive and help no matter what my heart or pocket told me. . And I did. So 2014, what do you have in store?  This year I have decided on a number of things.

1. I will be a better communicator. Everyone complains that I hardly call or reach out. I defend myself saying I work too hard/have little time/overwhelmed by deadlines. Excuses, I know. Well, not any more. 

2. I will de-clutter my life. By this, I mean, I will sort out the unnecessary stuff  I carry around. This comes in the forms of people, shoes, knick knacks, furniture, make-up, clothes...the list is endless. Everyday, in my house, I come across stuff I haven't used in years and I wonder why I keep hoarding them. Last year, I gave something out after keeping it locked up for years. and it felt GOOD. 

3. I will be positive. For me, this is the most important one. Will keep positive people close, to help nourish my spirit and help me grow, speak positive words and affirmations, read positive writings and really try to keep negativity at bay. And I would do those things I have always wanted to do. This blog is one of my positive actions. For a long time, my friend and I played with the idea of starting one. Everyone was blogging. Should we do it? What would we write? Who would read them? Then we decided to just do it. (Thanks, Nike!) 

4. This post wouldn't be complete without me vowing to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Been battling with my weight for a year now.  I am nowhere near my ideal size/shape. But I will get there.

These among other things, are my new beginnings. May the rest of the year be fabulous.



  1. Sounds somehow but Imma reduce the number of blogs I visit. Looks like that's all I do.

  2. I really have to drop these excess pounds! Nothing fits anymore! #sob
