Tuesday 4 February 2014

Just Do It!

So many times we put off things we can do in a second, and we let them linger for so long. I procrastinate a lot, but I'm suddenly learning to psyche myself to do things as soon as they need to be done.

I found myself in a sad position recently, but I caused my own problems. I have wonderful friends and family members as well, but somewhere along the line I stopped keeping in touch with some of them. There was no fight between us, just that I kept postponing the wish to call them. It lingered between 2 months and 2 long years (who does that? Nobody but me). The bad part was that I felt so guilty and thought up a lot of reasons to give if I finally got around calling them. The guilt didn't let me call and days stretched into weeks, months, a year, two years. My guilt multiplied and I needed to free myself because it was such a bad feeling.

Anyway two days ago, I promised to call all these friends and family members I haven't called in ages. I did, and guess what happened? They were so happy to hear from me, I rejoiced with some who had good news to share, laughed with those who had funny gists they had been saving for me, and cried with the grieving ones as well. They did not even ask why I had not called them all that time (though they all said it had been a while). So all the excuses I made up in my head were not necessary. I feel so good for making those calls, I promised to call more often and I will do just that.

This is applicable in our everyday lives, we put off things we would have just done anyway. I've heard severally that delay is dangerous, it also leaves one with guilt and regrets. Whatever it is you've put off doing, just do it now, while you still can. Leave no room for regrets. There is a good feeling that comes with accomplishing tasks, try it today and thank me later (:D speaking from experience).

PS: I just realised I have a couple more calls to make. I'm out friends and do not forget to do it just now (whatever it is).

One Love,


  1. Procrastination is dangerous. But sometimes we don't hv to be in a hurry to do things, Just do it @ the right time.

  2. I really appreciate and love this particular article. It's gives joy and peace of heart when you do what you are suppose to do and then forget about it. I was an example of procrastination but when I found out that there is no joy in it, I dropped and told myself do the right thing @ the right time. Everything in life has it's own time one step @ a time, matters a lot.

  3. The above Post struck me with a feeling of de'javu. Like it's a mirror representation of myself. I procrastinate a lot and I've got these backlog of calls which I feel and know I owe a couple of friends and relatives but I just keep pushing it for the next day which becomes weeks then months and then finally....Years. I'll certainly work on that nasty habit and Just Do things which I ought to do as soon as it crosses my mind.

  4. Yepa! She's definitely talking to me! I have to eat this frog o!
