Wednesday 12 February 2014

Valentine's Day Suggestions

It's a few more days to Valentine's Day. I need not go into details of its history, but it has been linked to a certain Valentine who did some good deeds and ended up a Saint. That is really a pointer that Valentine's Day should be spent doing good. February 14th is generally called Lovers Day, hence the reason for the many giftts exchanged that day. Loads of immorality go down that day (when it isn't the primary purpose), but that is not the reason for this post.

Let's get down to business: Some people say everyday is Valentine's Day in their homes or relationships, but I do not think that is possible. There is this feeling that comes with Valentine's Day; the air and music seem to change too, everything becomes soulful, love becomes sweeter. Those in relationships start planning and shopping for gifts for their loved ones (or are there people that shop everyday for their loved ones?), the single ones tend to search around for partners before that day and when they do not succeed in getting any, they sulk all day. This is a wrong way to spend such a beautiful day when love can be shared to everyone. There is nothing like an overdose of love, so give and give and give but expect nothing in return. Even if you get nothing, enjoy the smiles from the faces of people you give to.

While still living with my parents, I spent my Valentine's Days at Motherless Babies homes after going to a chapel to thank God for his unfailing love. It is not compulsory to do all that, just spread love to a neighbour. It will definitely make you feel good. The Bible says we should love our neighbour as ourself, and the story of the good Samaritan tells us who our neighbour is. It must not be people we know, everybody needs love. Give out gifts, share food (both cooked and raw), give out money (no matter how small), smile at a stranger (it also counts). Show love to your parents, friends, beggars on the streets, that person you are better than, and most importantly yourself.

Yes You! While you share love, do not forget yourself. No matter how bad you think things are, do something for yourself and your partner (if you have any). The first person to love is yourself because you cannot give what you do not have. Do something nice and feel good about it. I will have a good day on Friday (after doing some works of charity anyway). I'll celebrate by cooking some really good dishes and maybe include some baking. If my kitchen business turns out well, I will upload pictures (it's not a promise though). So start planning your Friday, share and show love not just that day, but always ( make that of Friday exceptional) and most importantly, love yourself!

Looking forward to hear how you spent your Val's Day, pictures are welcome and will be appreciated.

One Love,


  1. I can't wait. Na the pictures of your kitchen business wey matter pass. Lol. That day is surely a day to love extra and be loved.

  2. You are so right. People Dont really understand what valentine is all about. I think my best part of the write up is'do something nice and feel good about it'.

  3. Just as mother Theresa said"give until it hurts" the real person that brought Val & made it pronounce never expected anything in return (buh wen yu get bk, no p about dat)
    It's quite unfortunate dat majority do not knw what Valentine is all about, they think it's just dem n lovers alone not knwing dat they can also reach out to those who are less privileged.
    "Do sth nice & feel good about it".I think this will be my first val I'll celebrate in unexpected venue.

  4. i love Valentines day and yes i agree with you. Everyday is not Valentines day abeg. lol. I will try and do my part on Friday. Hopefully i can go visit the forgotten angels with my friend. We will go bearing gifts. Forgotten Angels is this organization in my neighborhood that caters to Handicapped people for free. They have like a day center and their family drops them off during the day and picks them back up at the end of the day. Kinda like day care for adults but the great part is they dont charge a thing to the families. Very nice place. Hopefully i will visit them On Friday.

  5. Wow good to know you are up to some thing nice @Leona & Jenny. Enjoy your day. Xoxo.
